Tuesday 7 July 2015

How to Solve Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Index Service Error Problem?

We all have been hearing about Samsung Galaxy Note 3 issues, especially the ones that are gifted by Samsung, which means the phones with manufacturing faults. However there are a good number of workaround or quick methods that are able to resolve those issues. In case those methods fail then you always have the option to demand a replacement phone from Samsung, however it is important that the problem should be the one that Samsung should bats its eye on.
 note 3 index error message
People have also reported that they are encountering “Index Service” problem. In the following lines you will get to know about this problem in detail followed by its solution.


  • Phone gives the message of “Index Service has stopped” message from time to time.
  • Phone freezes after you discard the message.

Reasons of Problems

  • Micro SD card might be faulty.
  • SD card already have a huge bulk of photos and files in it which might be causing this problem.
  • Any of the stored files in SD Card might be faulty.


  • The very first thing that you should be doing if you have any idea about the file which might be causing the problem is that you should delete it from the SD card.
  • Now turn your phone off and remove Micro SD card from your Note 3.
  • Take backup of your entire SD card into your computer, as you don’t want to lose that data for sure.
  • Re-insert your SD card into your phone and switch it ON.
  • Now the next thing that you should do is to format your SD card. It is surely a good idea to do this twice, in order to make sure that card is properly formatted. In order to format your SD card all you have to do is to go into:
    • Settings.
    • Storage.
    • Format SD Card.
  • After the procedure is completed, copy all of your back up files into your SD card, simply by plugging your phone with computer via USB cable. but before doing that, you need to make sure of the following things:
    • Your Micro SD is empty.
    •  You don’t transfer files in your SD card that are giving warning about incompatibility, as these files are the cause of the problem, hence allowing you to identify them so that you won’t transfer any such files in your phone, which become the cause of the problem.
    • You transfer files from your computer to your phone in small groups, this will make the process faster and files will be transferred in a proper way.  


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