Tuesday 7 July 2015

Method to Resolve Nokia Lumia 800 Charging Problem

In the following lines you will get to know manual and hardware solutions of Nokia Lumia 800 Charging Problem:


  • Not Charging.
  • Battery is heated up while charging.

Manual Solution of Nokia Lumia 800

  • Change your Nokia Lumia 800 Charger and Check.
  • Clean Charging Connector and Check.

Hardware Solution of Nokia Lumia 800

  • After opening your Nokia Lumia 800 handset, the very first thing that you should do is to check it with any other good battery.
nokia lumia board
  • Check Charging connector for any kind of water damage, if it is then clean it and check.
  • Now re-solder charging connector pins and check.
  • Check charging voltage with the help of multi meter. Place Negative terminal of multi meter on ground and Positive on a charging pin (1st pin from your left hand side).
  • Make sure that the voltage is between 5V to 5.5V, if it is not then replace charging connector. (Charging Connector can be replaced by heating it from the opposite side of the board, while heating it, pull charging connector with the help of Tweezers).
  • Now remove metal sheet covering the charging section (It contains Charging IC and Components).
  • Check continuity between Fuse and Charging Pin (1st from your left hand side). If there is no continuity, place jumper.
  • Also check the following, and replace them if damaged:
    • Fuse
    • Capacitor
    • Coil
  • Heat charging IC, if it is faulty then replace it.
  • Now check charge at the battery terminals, if it is not standard voltage then re-solder or replace battery terminals.
nokia lumia 800 charging ic
  • Check connection between battery sensing point and Capacitor as well as coil (They are near Power IC).
  • If everything else fails then reheat power IC, if it is still not working then replace it.


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